react-native bundle Options: --entry-file <path> Path to the root JS file, either absolute or relative to JS root (一般为index.js文件) --platform [string] Either "ios" or "android" (RN入口文件的路径, 绝对路径或相对路径) --transformer [string] Specify a custom transformer to be used
--dev [boolean] If false, warnings are disabled and the bundle is minified (如果为false, 警告会不显示并且打出的包的大小会变小,默认为--dev true) --prepack When passed, the output bundle will use the Prepack format. (当通过时, 打包输出将使用Prepack格式化,默认为--prepack false) --bridge-config [string] File name of a a JSON export of __fbBatchedBridgeConfig. Used by Prepack. Ex. ./bridgeconfig.json (使用Prepack的一个json格式的文件__fbBatchedBridgeConfig 例如: ./bridgeconfig.json) --bundle-output <string> File name where to store the resulting bundle, ex. /tmp/groups.bundle (打包后的文件输出目录, 例: /tmp/groups.bundle) --bundle-encoding [string] Encoding the bundle should be written in ([default: "utf8"] (打离线包的格式 可参考链接默认为utf-8格式) ---sourcemap-output [string] File name where to store the sourcemap file for resulting bundle, ex. /tmp/ (生成Source Map,但0.14之后不再自动生成source map,需要手动指定这个参数。例: /tmp/ --assets-dest [string] Directory name where to store assets referenced in the bundle (打包时图片资源的存储路径) --verbose Enables logging (显示打包过程) --reset-cache Removes cached files (移除缓存文件) --config [string] Path to the CLI configuration file (命令行的配置文件路径)